Where can I access the live stream?

The link to the live stream will be available on this website as soon as possible. Please check back when the date is closer to the seminar to find it.

Where are the recorded videos?

After the seminars take place we will post the recording as soon as we can. Keep in mind that we will need some time to prepare the videos therefore it may take some time after the seminars. The links to the videos will be found here.

What do I need to install for the seminars?

For the coding part of the seminars you don’t need to install anything. All the exercises will be available as Jupyter notebooks in Google Colab (https://colab.research.google.com/notebooks/intro.ipynb#recent=true). The only think that you will need is Google Chrome.

Where can I find all the material presented?

The material presented including the notebooks will be completely available for free on GitHub: https://github.com/toelt-llc/astroml-hackdays. Other material as presentations, documents, etc. will be available from this website.